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Landmarkism Under Fire 

A Study of Landmark Baptist Polity on Church Constitution

by Elder J.C. Settlemoir 


Chapter 13 - Landmarkism and Landmarkers Misrepresented

I believe the Advocates of EMDA, and others, have not only misrepresented Landmarkism but I believe they have also misrepresented the old Landmarkers and J.R. Graves in particular.[439] Some of these misrepresentations to which I refer were published in BBB and in Bro Cockrell’s book SCO and need to be corrected. SCO 2nd edition was just recently reissued,[440] but without any corrections on these misrepresentations.

First, let me deal with the case in which one EMDA advocate changed what Graves wrote on the constitution of churches from self constitution to EMDA! Bro Cockrell printed this changed version in BBB and later defended it! This article made Graves say what he never thought, what he never said and what he never meant![441] Graves’ position was actually reversed.[442]

This changed version of Graves appeared in BBB, June 2001.[443] Elder Curtis Pugh, a missionary to Romania and a foreign correspondent of BBB, published an article which he took from J.R. Graves’ weekly paper, The Baptist, identified only as to the year, 1867. He did not identify Graves by name but said The Baptist was “Published by certain influential members of the Southern Baptist Convention of those days.” Of course Graves and The Baptist are practically synonymous! This article which Bro Pugh adapted & edited was Graves’ Standing editorial in The Baptist which he kept before the world for many years![444]

Bro. Pugh made many changes (I estimate about two hundred) in this document without giving the reader any idea of what he had altered, deleted, changed or addedBand he did all of these! One of the most significant changes Bro Pugh made in this document was in “Six Important Doctrines” number 4, which was Graves’ definition of a church and how a church is constituted.

Because I had read this standing editorial of Graves before, I recognized instantly that in doctrine number 4, Graves’ position had been turned upside down! Graves was no longer speaking but Bro Pugh was! In fact it said something which Graves never believed, never said, never wrote! It had been altered from self constitution of churches which Graves believed to EMDA which Bro Pugh believes!

But in order to write the Editor of BBB and Bro Pugh to protest this change in item number 4, in particular, I needed a copy of the original so as to verify the exact changes introduced. I emailed Bro. Pugh and asked him for an original copy.[445] He never replied to this request. I did not write Elder Cockrell, editor of BBB, because he was extremely ill at that time, and I would not disturb him during his illness. Thus, I made the trip to the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Library, in Louisville, Ky., where they have The Baptist on microfilm. The editions from which I made copies were those of May 4, and April 27, 1867. The changes in Graves’ words in number 4 were almost exactly as I thought they were. Bro Pugh had so changed this doctrinal statement in number four that Graves’ meaning was completely reversed!

When I wrote Bro Pugh the second time[446] about his changing Graves’ words, he responded telling me that he believed Graves changed his position later in his life but he did not have the books with him to prove it.[447] Of course if proof of Graves’ changing his position exists, Bro Cockrell certainly knew about it and knew where such quotes could be found. Why were these quotes not published in BBB with the article? Why are they not in SCO 1st edition? Why not in the 2nd. edition? Why has not Bro Pugh ordered the books and located these quotes and published them in BBB? [448]

If this was the case, Bro Pugh was responsible to give references to prove his proposition! In fact, if this was the case and he had such quotes, that would have made the reversal of Graves’ position completely justifiable! He stated in a letter to me that he did this “Adapting & editing” while he was in Mantachie, MS. Of course there, he would have had access to all the books[449] and he could have supplied these quotes. Note: Bro. Pugh unintentionally admits:

1. He changed Graves’ position in this article from self constitution to EMDA.

2. He admits he knew Graves’ position was Self constitution–that two or three scripturally baptized members can constitute a church according to Mt 18:20, without mother church authority.

3. Without these references (which he has never supplied) he produced a false version of Graves, a version he knew was bogus when he submitted it for publication!

While I have not read the nearly 40,000 pages of The Tennessee BaptistThe Baptist–The Baptist Reflector,[450] I am familiar with most of Graves published books and I have never seen a line which teaches EMDA in any one of his books and none of these men have produced one quote from J.R. Graves, from any source, to support the idea that he ever held to EMDA. Where is the evidence Graves changed his position from self constitution to EMDA? These men misrepresented J.R. Graves on this subject and their position is, as I see it, indefensible!

In this article Bro Pugh made Graves speak as if he believed EMDA, a theory which Graves did not teach! Thus Bro Pugh deluded the readers of BBB as to what Graves believed! He misrepresented J.R. Graves and falsified a document! Bro Pugh closed his article with these significant words:

These are not new ideas,[451] but are consistent with Biblical, Baptist doctrines that we believe are taught in the Word of God and have historically been embraced by sound Baptists.[452]

But these ideas (in the item discussed) are new ideas! These ideas were not the ideas of The Baptist! These ideas were not the ideas of J.R. Graves! These ideas were not the ideas of Landmark Baptists! Nor were these the ideas of Baptists historically! And because these ideas are so novel EMDA advocates could not find an old Landmarker who said what they wanted him to say they took Graves and compelled him to say he believed EMDA!

This is a plain example of making Graves’ written words say something Graves never meant and which his words could never mean and so in order to make Graves say what Bro Pugh wanted him to say he had to add to them, and by so doing he falsified Graves’ meaning. Bro Pugh knew that most readers of BBB would never be able to compare his version with the original editorial of Graves because of its inaccessibility! To verify these things I will now give these two versions side by side so the reader may satisfy himself as to my charges.

Elder Pugh’s edition, BBB, June 5, 2001, beginning on p. 101. This section is on p. 109-110. The highlighted portions are additions or changes by Bro Pugh; ellipses indicate removed portions.


4. Each true …. Church of Christ is a company of Scripturally immersed believers only (not of believers and their unconverted children and seekers on probation), associated by voluntary covenant to obey and execute all the commandments of Christ, having


been organized by an ordained man or men having authority from a pre-existing Church of Christ of like faith and order with the Jerusalem Church, believing in


the same organization, doctrines, officers and ordinances of the Church at Jerusalem,…. independent of all others, acknowledging no lawgiver in Zion but Christ, and submitting


in spiritual matters


to no law He has not enacted.


..........Rom. 1:7;1 Cor.1:2; Eph. 1:1; Col.1:1-5;Acts 2:41,42; Matt 18:20-28;2; Cor.7:6-19; Rev.2:23; Phil. 1:27;  Cor. 5:122,13;
Acts 13:1-4.


Elder J.R. Graves’ Editorial, The Baptist, May 4, 1867, p. 1. Bro Graves was fond of italicizing and emphasis. I have not tried to indicate these differences between him and Bro Pugh.



4.Each… visible Church of Christ is a company of scripturally immersed believers only, (not of believers and their unconverted children and seekers on probation), associated by voluntary covenant to obey and execute all the commandments of Christ, having







the same organization, doctrines, officers and ordinances of the Church at Jerusalem, and independent of all others, acknowledging no lawgiver in Zion but Christ and submitting




to no law he has not enacted.


Read Rom. 1:7; 1 Cor. 1:2; Eph.1:1; Col. 1:1-5; Acts 2:41,42;Matt.18:20-23-28; 2 Cor.7:6-19; Philip. 26:27;  1 Cor. 5:12,13.


All can see Graves’ article has been significantly and materially altered by adding two things which Graves never said and never believed: namely,

“been organized by an ordained man or men having authority from a pre-existing Church of Christ of like faith and order with the Jerusalem Church, believing in.....”

These are some of the hobby horses of EMDA and they never fail to trot them out, even if they have to alter the facts, as was done here.

After reviewing the original of The Baptist I wrote Bro Cockrell, the editor of BBB, and Bro Pugh, expressing my protest against this perversion of Graves. I was astounded but both of these brethren defended this misrepresentation of Graves! Bro Cockrell justified it by referring me to the meaning of edit. He said:

The article by Bro. Pugh said ‘Adapted and edited by Curtis Pugh.’ I suggest you get the dictionary and look up the word ‘edited.’ The one on my desk says: ‘to alter, adapt, or refine esp. to bring about conformity to a standard or to suit a particular purpose.’ Hence I plan no apology nor do I intend to do what you suggested[453]

What I suggested was that Bro Cockrell apologize to his readers for perverting the words of Graves and to publish both articles side by side, as I have done, so BBB readers could see what had been done to Graves. You can readily see why Bro Cockrell did not want to do that! For ought the readers of BBB know, from the pages of this paper, Graves believed in EMDA!

Isn’t it interesting that this “Adapting & Editing” never was used in BBB before, at least so far as memory serves me? Did anyone ever see any article in BBB besides this one by Bro Pugh which said: “Adapted & Edited”? It was obviously a new idea. It was an attempt to alter what someone wrote and to do it in such a way as to justify the change. I will not censor these men but state what they themselves admit they did.

Of course, if J.R. Graves had changed his position from self constitution to EMDA,[454] this would have been the time and place for Bro Cockrell to bring forth the evidence of such a change. If Graves had changed his position Bro Cockrell could have replied to me as follows: “This ‘Adapting & Editing’ was justified because Graves changed his position from self constitution which he once believed to mother church authority and here is the reference to prove it!” That would have made their case for changing Graves in BBB! Was this done? No. Has anyone seen or read of such a quote in BBB? In SCO, 1st edition? SCO 2nd edition? Has anyone seen even an attempt to show Graves changed his position from self constitution to EMDA? These facts are a startling revelation as to what these brethren knew Graves believed and what they claim he believed!

Bro Cockrell thought it quite irresponsible for someone to say JohnR. Gilpin did not believe in a link chain of churches, or in one church organizing another church. He said: “First I would say that I personally knew John R. Gilpin, and I know this is a terrible misrepresentation of his views on ecclesiology.”[455] But why is it that changing the statement of John Gilpin is “a terrible misrepresentation” but to change the statement of J.R. Graves’ is acceptable? Can the mere word editing justify this disparity? If anyone else changes what a man said it is a “terrible misrepresentation.” But if they do it, is it right because they were editing or adapting! One can only assume that others have the same right to reverse a man’s word as they do. Bro Cockrell was well aware of this need to make sure you represent anyone you quote correctly. He said, concerning quotes in SCO:

Also I have taken the liberty of putting quotes from Old English into Modern English. Great care was taken so as not to change the meaning intended by the original writer.[456]

Why this great care in one instance so as not to change the meaning intended by the original writer but a total disregard in another? Why be so careful in modernizing “Old English into Modern English” so as not to change the meaning but on the other hand to argue you can completely reverse the meaning as long as you are editing? Was it not editing when he changed ME[457] to Modern English?

Thou shall not bear false witness, is as much God’s Law today as it ever was and if I mistake not, it pertains even to editing and adapting–if you change the meaning! You cannot change the meaning of what a man says or writes and give it out as his word and not violate the Law of God, editing, adapting, or what-have-you, notwithstanding. To do so is to make the commandment of God of none effect, Mt 15:6.

I will let J.R. Graves make his own defense. When he was debating Jacob Ditzler in Carrollton, Mo in 1875, Ditzler quoted the scholar Schleusner on Baptizdo, a work in Latin. Graves knew the author and pointed out “... intentionally or through ignorance, he has, by suppressing a very important part of a sentence, made Schleusner say what he does not say, and what he never intended to say–he has suppressed his testimony, and put a lie in his lips.”[458] Graves had Schleusner’s Lexicon with him and read from it and then translated the Latin into English. Graves then said–and I am not “editing” but Ditzler had been!

All can by this see that from the beginning to the end, Schleusner has been perverted by Elder Ditzler, to teach what he never said, and contrary to what he did say. I appeal to every scholar present, here are the books, and to every scholar on the continent, [passes them over to scholars, and to Dr. Talbert]. Such a course with an author is as unwarranted, as I believe, it is unprecedented in its grossness and flagrancy. If he has treated one lexicon thus, before our eyes, what have we not a right to expect of the many from which he has quoted here that we have not the opportunity to examine? I do therefore, as I am amply justified in doing, challenge every authority he quotes in this discussion, the full text of which he does not submit for examination. I cannot take what my opponent avers an author says, nor his translations, unless he submits the text of the author.[459]

Now in this case J.R. Graves has been perverted by these brethren to teach what he never said, and contrary to what he did say! This is indeed “as unwarranted .... As it is unprecedented in its grossness and flagrancy” because Bro Pugh added words which changed the meaning and put a lie in Graves’ mouth! This is a crime against the Lord, against Graves, against the readers of BBB, against Baptists and other denominations for surely the religious world looks on aghast and repudiates such gross and improper handling of a quote![460] There is not a fair and honest infidel in the world who will support such editing! Imagine! Baptist preachers materially altering a statement by Graves, or any other man, which reversed his meaning and then contending such alteration was justifiable!

To illustrate this kind of editing I have adapted and edited a quote from Bro Pugh’s book, Three Reasons For The Baptists:

‘Landmarkers’ or ‘Landmark Baptists:’ Baptists who maintain the historic Baptist (and we believe, Biblical) position regarding the nature, origin and succession of true churches and which teach three or more scripturally baptized members may constitute themselves into a Church of Christ are often called and sometimes call themselves ‘Landmarkers.’ — Adapted and Edited by JCS[461]

Can Bro Pugh deny me the right to do this to him when he contends he can do it to J.R. Graves? Or is this a one way street? How did Bro Pugh like this editing? His silence states much!

What Pugh Made Graves Say

You must have ordained men to organize a church–“Each true Church of Christ is a company of Scripturally immersed believers .... associated by voluntary covenant... having been organized by an ordained man or men...”[462]

Bro Pugh forced Graves to say: “Each true church...having been organized by an ordained man or men.” Bro Pugh does not believe a church can be organized without an ordained man. Graves believed just the opposite. Is it right to make a man teach what he never said, and contrary to what he did say?

Is it right to put a lie in a man’s mouth? These brethren contend it is if you only say “Adapted & edited”! Powerful words! Pitiful argument!

What Graves Said

Here are Graves’ words concerning the need of an ordained man to constitute a church:

‘Wherever there are three or more baptized members of a regular Baptist church or churches covenanted together to hold and teach, and are governed by the New Testament,’ etc., ‘there is a church of Christ, even though there was not a presbytery of ministers in a thousand miles of them to organize them into a church. There is not the slightest need of a council of presbyters to organize a Baptist church.[463]

Rice Changed Spurgeon

This handling of Graves by these brethren is comparable to what John R. Rice did in The Sword of The Lord when he changed the words of Spurgeon making him say what he never said and never believed. Rice wrote:

Some think that Christ died, and yet, that some for whom He died and who trusted Him will be lost. I never could understand that doctrine.[464]

This change by Rice was censored by Bro Bob Ross in The Baptist Examiner.[465] Few men would defend this kind of thing. But according to Bre Cockrell and Pugh, the only mistake Rice made was he failed to say “edited” or “adapted”! Why would it be right for Pugh to change Graves but wrong for Rice to change Spurgeon? If it is wrong for the Sword of the Lord, how can it be right for The Berea Baptist Banner?

It is significant that Bro Cockrell made this charge against someone (he never told us who it was) who said Bro John Gilpin did not believe in EMDA. His words are:

Any person who alleges that either of these two men[466] did not believe in a link chain of Baptist churches has knowingly and deliberately misrepresented the views of these old brethren. To assert such denotes a degree of prove-something-at-all-costs unexcelled in the history of theological debate.[467]

Suppose those who said such things about these men were only giving the words of these men after Adapting & editing! After all, one would think, other editors and writers have as much liberty as the editor and foreign missionary of BBB.

Have Landmarkism and the old Landmarkers been misrepresented?


[439] Cf. Bob Ross, Robert Ashcraft; Tull; Patterson; Barnes.

[440] Milburn Cockrell. SCO, 2nd edition, 2003. It was issued after Bro. Cockrell’s death.

[441] Cf. J.R. Graves. Great Carrollton Debate, p. 346. Diztler left out a word reversing the meaning. What would Graves have said if Ditzler had added several words to intentionally change the meaning?

[442] Lam 3:36.

[443] BBB. “Principles Policies & Practices Consistent with Biblical Baptist Doctrine”, Adapted & edited by Curtis Pugh” p. 101.

[444] Some of the papers Graves edited from 1846 to near the end of his life in 1893, are: The Tennessee BaptistThe Baptist–The Baptist Reflector.

[445] June 14, 2001.

[446] July 15,2001.

[447] “I believe that Bro. Graves came in his later life to the position which I hold on the manner of church organization, but I have not with me the books necessary to prove this.” I. e., in Romania. Personal letter of Curtis Pugh to the author, 7-27-01.

[448] See Appendix I.

[449] That is at the Berea Baptist Church. Bro Cockrell’s Library, which contains several thousand volumes, is located there.

[450] Cf. Albert W. Wardin, Jr. Tennessee Baptists, p. 246.

[451] Referring to Graves editorial in The Baptist.

[452] BBB. June 5, 2001, p. 112.

[453] Bro Cockrell did later publish my letter to Bro Pugh concerning this matter, BBB. August 5, 2001, p. 157, but the italicization was eliminated and thus the readers of BBB still could not know the changes made and how Graves had been completely reversed.

[454] As Bro Cockrell read the correspondence between Bro Pugh and myself, and as he did not at any time make the claim that Graves had changed his position, from self constitution to EMDA, raises the question, did these brethren know all along Graves’ position was anti EMDA?

[455] Milburn Cockrell. Scriptural Church Organization, p. 71. 19 Op. cit. p. ii. 20 OE is 7th century to 1100 AD; ME from 11th to the 15th century.

[456] Op. cit. p. ii.

[457] OE is 7th century to 1100 AD; ME from 11th to the 15th century.

[458] J.R. Graves. Great Carrollton Debate, p. 346.

[459] Op.cit., p. 350.

[460] 1 Pet. 2:12.

[461] My editing is italicized so the reader may see what I have done if he does not have the book, Three Witnesses For the Baptists, by Curtis Pugh, p 125. Three Witnesses is a good book.

[462] The emphasized portion was added by Pugh.

[463] J.R. Graves quoted in W.A. Jarrel Baptist Church Perpetuity, p. 1. Emphasis added.

[464] John R. Rice added the italicized words.–JCS.

[465] The Baptist Examiner. April 13, 1957, p. 3; Cf. Also TBE, Feb. 29,1957, p. 2. Column: I Should Like to Know.

[466] John R. Gilpin and Roy Mason. Cf. Appendices II and III.

[467] Milburn Cockrell. SCO, p. 71.